Nitrogen Oxides Information
What are Nitrogen Oxides?
Nitrogen Oxides are gases that are composed of nitrogen and oxygen. Two of the most toxicologically significant of the nitrogen oxides are nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen oxides are released into the air from the exhaust of motor vehicles, the burning of coal, oil or natural gas, and during processes such as arc welding, electroplating, engraving, and dynamite blasting. Concentrations also increase by burning wood or kerosene, cigarettes, and gas stoves. They are produced commercially by reacting nitric acid with metals or cellulose. Nitrogen oxides are used in the production of nitric acid, lacquers, dyes, and rocket fuels.
Health Risks
Exposure to high levels of nitrogen oxides can damage the airways, causing irritation, coughing, shortness of breath, and even fluid buildup in the lungs. Inhalation can also cause tiredness and nausea. Contact with the skin and eyes causes irritation and burns. Exposure to high levels of nitrogen oxides can cause rapid burning, spasms, and swelling of throat and upper respiratory tract. Extreme cases can lead to reduced oxygenation, buildup of fluid in the lungs, and death.
Measuring Nitrogen Oxides
The products we carry to measure Nitrogen Oxides levels can be found HERE.
D16 |
The D16 is a versatile tool designed for gas leak detection, personal safety, spot checking, confined entry, and data logging, and more. It can be used as a portable monitor or as a stationary one that can be set to log data over long periods of time. This customizable unit can be fitted with a variety of sensors and is sold with every accessory you may need for fast and accurate portable gas detection. | 0-200ppm |
D12 |
The D12 is designed for operation in hazardous areas. Its explosion-proof cast aluminum housing is rated for Class 1, Division 1, Group B, C, D locations and is UL, FM, and CSA certified. This monitor can be fitted with a variety of sensors to be used on a wide range of toxic and combustible gases. | 0-200ppm |
D12-IR |
The D12-IR is designed for operation in hazardous areas using a compact infrared sensor. Its explosion-proof cast aluminum housing is rated for Class 1, Division 1, Group B, C, D locations and is UL, FM, and CSA certified. This monitor can be fitted with a variety of sensors to be used on a wide range of toxic and combustible gases. | 0-2000ppm |
F12 |
The Series F12 Gas Transmitter is an Intrinsically Safe monitor designed for the detection of toxic gases in hazardous areas. It is also well suited for general purpose applications. This highly customizable unit can be fitted with a variety of sensors and accessories and is compatible with most fixed mount toxic gas applications. | 0-200ppm |
F12D |
The Series F12D Gas Transmitter is designed for detection of toxic gases in hazardous areas. It is also well suited for general purpose applications. This highly customizable unit can be fitted with a variety of sensors and accessories and is compatible with most fixed mount toxic gas applications. | 0-200ppm |
Contact us for help choosing the right product for your application